Halton LodgePrimary School
'Happy Learning Promotes Success'

Home Learning

During any periods of school closure, the school will upload lessons and learning activities on Seesaw (which all parents should be familiar with - as this is the platform that is used (from Reception to Year 6) for homework and direct communication between our teaching staff and our pupils' parents/carers). This may also be reinforced with live lessons (using Zoom or Microsoft Teams) - and your child's class teacher may also upload videos, specific teaching resources (such as PowerPoint slides) and tutorials; to make the learning more accessible.

For those parents wishing to enrich their child's learning even more, here are some online resources that you may find useful and informative:

Get in Touch To contact any of the named senior members of staff, please initially make contact with our Main School Office.
Halton Lodge Primary School Grangeway, Runcorn, WA7 5LU
The School Office (Miss Simcock - Administrative Assistant )
01928 564053
Headteacher | Mr A. Hilldrup
Deputy Headteacher | Mrs J. Dixon-Gibbon
Assistant Headteacher, DSL and SENDCO | Mrs N. Lloyd
Chair of Governors | Mrs K. Moremon