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Knowledge Organisers for Year 2
Knowledge Organisers for Year 3
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Halton Lodge
Primary School
'Happy Learning
Promotes Success'
Knowledge Organisers for Year 6
Here is what the children will be learning in Year 6
KO - Art - Y6 - Sp 2 Painting
KO - Art - Y6 - Su 1 Sketching
KO - Art - Y6 - Su 2 Printing (Pop Art)
KO - Computing - All Units
KO - D&T - Y6 - Au 1 Cooking and Nutrition (Soup Kitchen)
KO - D&T - Y6 - Au 2 Textiles (Combining Fabric Shapes)
KO - D&T - Y6 - Sp 2 3D Structures (Sledge For Transport)
KO - Geography - Y6 - Sp 1 Refugee Migration
KO - Geography - Y6 - Sp 2 UK & Antarctica Comparison
KO - Geography - Y6 - Su 1 London (UK Regional Study)
KO - Geography - Y6 - Su 2 Earthquakes & Volcanoes
KO - History - Y6 - Au 2 World War I
KO - History - Y6 - Sp 1 Refugee / Migration
KO - History - Y6 - Su 2 Early Islamic Civilisation
KO - Music - Y6 - Au 1 Happy
KO - Music - Y6 - Au 2 Classroom Jazz
KO - Music - Y6 - Sp 1 A New Year Carol
KO - Music - Y6 - Sp 2 You've Got A Friend
KO - Music - Y6 - Su 1 Music and Me
KO - PE - UKS2 Knowledge Organisers.pdf
KO - Science - Y6 - Au 1 Evolution and Inheritance
KO - Science - Y6 - Au 2 Electricity
KO - Science - Y6 - Sp 1 Light
KO - Science - Y6 - Sp 2 Animals Including Humans
KO - Science - Y6 - Su 1 Living Things & Their Habitats
In This Section
Get in Touch
To contact any of the named senior members of staff, please initially make contact with our Main School Office.
Halton Lodge Primary School
Grangeway, Runcorn, WA7 5LU
The School Office (Miss Simcock - Administrative Assistant )
01928 564053
Mr A. Hilldrup
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs J. Dixon-Gibbon
Assistant Headteacher, DSL and SENDCO
Mrs N. Lloyd
Chair of Governors
Mrs K. Moremon