Halton LodgePrimary School
'Happy Learning Promotes Success'

School Admissions

For parents and carers who wish to apply for their child to start at our school at the beginning of our Reception class, applications should be made via Halton Local Authority’s Admissions Scheme (online) before the January deadline.

You can contact the School Admissions Team on 0151 511 7271/ 0151 511 7338 or Apply online

Should you wish to request a place for your child at our school in any other year group, or once the school year has started, please contact the school directly with your child’s name and their date of birth – so we can inform you if we have any spaces available.

It is strongly advised for parents/carers of children who are already in a school – and are seeking to move to another school for reasons other than a house move – to first meet and discuss the move with the child’s current school before they contact the new school (or complete an application form).

If you decide to move your child to Halton Lodge Primary School, it is essential that you first get confirmation that there is a place available at our school before your child leaves his or her current school. A place will generally only be allocated if the number of children on roll within the year group at the time is below the published admission number.

To apply for an In-Year Place, parents/carers may also again contact the Schools Admissions Team Team on 0151 511 7271 / 0151 511 7338. You will be asked to complete an in year application form – in the same way that you would if you were to contact the school directly – and to return this when it is completed to us. We will then notify you in writing of the outcome of the In-Year application within 10 school days.

Haltons Primary School Booklet

Get in Touch To contact any of the named senior members of staff, please initially make contact with our Main School Office.
Halton Lodge Primary School Grangeway, Runcorn, WA7 5LU
The School Office (Miss Simcock - Administrative Assistant )
01928 564053
Headteacher | Mr A. Hilldrup
Deputy Headteacher | Mrs J. Dixon-Gibbon
Assistant Headteacher, DSL and SENDCO | Mrs N. Lloyd
Chair of Governors | Mrs K. Moremon