Halton LodgePrimary School
'Happy Learning Promotes Success'

School Office

School Admission Arrangements

Consultation for September 2026-2027 (School Admission Arrangements)

In accordance with the School Admissions Code, September 2021, admission authorities must consult on any changes to the admission arrangements and coordinated admission scheme. We are therefore consulting on the following changes for admission in the school year 2026-2027, and for subsequent years, subject to any review.

The consultation will run from 19th December 2024 until 30th January 2025, any responses within this timeframe will be taken into consideration before determining the admission arrangements.

The three key documents associated with this consultation are titled "Admission Arrangements Consultation..." and can be found amongst the list of Documents & Policies.

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Get in Touch To contact any of the named senior members of staff, please initially make contact with our Main School Office.
Halton Lodge Primary School Grangeway, Runcorn, WA7 5LU
The School Office (Miss Simcock - Administrative Assistant )
01928 564053
Headteacher | Mr A. Hilldrup
Deputy Headteacher | Mrs J. Dixon-Gibbon
Assistant Headteacher, DSL and SENDCO | Mrs N. Lloyd
Chair of Governors | Mrs K. Moremon